Friday, May 1, 2009

Better today than the last post time....

When I read that last post of April 22, you can tell the tone around our geographical location was bleak. I can say since a few weeks have passed, my outlook, and the outlook in our household in general, is much, much brighter. Just having the warmer weather to inspire and gaze upon lends a positive spirit to so many facets of everyday life. The entire outdoors seems to be in action taking on each nature intended color: daffodils in sunny yellow, grass in lush green, hyacinths in deep blue, pink, and fuschia omitting a fragrant perfume all its own. Colorful birds too have returned to allow us their splendor of yellows, reds, black and great grey (of the Blue Heron variety). The sun graces our souls a bit earlier each day and along with its light brings an orchestra of birdsongs announcing its arrival. "Get up, get going, be thankful for a new day".

Of course, all this is so much more noticed when some fear of job loss has been corralled, for the time being. GM went through job eliminations and demotions last week. I prayed each day that no bad tidings would follow Arvo. Each day I was thankful for "no news is good news". The week ended to allow normal thought. Of course, nothing is guaranteed to last forever. Nothing. For now, we will carry on keeping this perspective continually in mind, while at the same time knowing that in the end, all will be well. Nature seems to know this. After a long, cold winter, spring always manages to present itself to the world to tell us, all will be well.

In my opinion, Simon and Garfunkel summed it up poetically like this:

"April, come she will. May she will stay resting in my arms again.
June she'll change her tune. In restless walks she'll prowl the night.
July, she will fly and give no warning to her flight.
August die she must. The autumn winds blow chilly and cold;
September, I'll remember a love once new has now grown old."

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