Friday, September 23, 2011

'Tis the Season

This fall seems to be careening faster than any I have experienced.  My daughter is in her junior year of high school.  Along with all the school work stands varsity volleyball games, volleyball tournaments, powder puff football, fundraisers, football games and homecoming.  My son is a freshman in high school. New school, new tasks, new schedule, new people, new teachers, and marching band.  Marching band.  He loves it.  I would never have guessed that would happen.  I am very pleased he is enjoying it.  Plus, the band is outstanding.  With all this, there is little time for much of anything else.  Family dinners?  We are lucky we have dinner together at least three times a week.  At least we are all awake for breakfast, before everyone is out of the house by 6:50 a.m.  No wonder my brain feels like it is still in May of this year.  Summer?  I have yet to feel we had one and we are waiting for it to begin.  What is that?  You say it is September 23rd not May 23rd?  Well, in seven more days we will be in October and then I can feel like I am at last in the month of June.  Come on summer.  We are ready for you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Restructuring and Renovating

I have had these comfortable, shrunk in the wash yoga pants kicking around my craft center for well over two years.  I have moved them from shelf to box and back again.  They have been sat on in hopes I could hatch some sort of  stylish, wearable, and eye popping transformation for them to go through.  An ugly duckling into a swan saga, if you will.  I finally was given an idea through a wonderful site I follow.  It is called  This site is composed and created by a wonderfully talented, motivated, creative, inventive woman.  She shares ideas and links to projects and information she actually finds time not only to do while being a wife and mother, but writes about them and thus shares.  I transformed my pants from this treasured link  I am in constant awe and have much gratitude for this and many other creative, inventive sites I have been so fortunate to stumble upon.  I have stumbled upon many to date and I trust I will continue to find many more.