Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No time to blog

See, it is happening already.  I am already not posting everyday.  Maybe it is a good thing I am not posting everyday.  That way, it won't become a chore and it will remain fun.  We will see.  Tomorrow will bring a new day and maybe something interesting to post.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A sign of spring in the winter

Flower bulbs are a glorious being.  They allow us to force them to grow indoors in the winter in "soil" that is not a normal, natural environment for them.  As you can see, these Narcissus flowers bulbs are growing in decorative glass pebbles, not dirt.  This allows us humans the chance to see their roots growing into the pebbles and their flower to form towards the light.  It gives a perspective on every plant, tree, grass blade,  and yes, weed in existence.  Kind of like a mole's eye view  of his neighborhood, if he could see...

I have forced these many times but, this blog is allowing me to chronicle life as it happens around here.  The hope is to chronicle events, even as simple as forcing bulbs in winter.

The other photo is what is looks like right now, outside our window.  It is not the snow of 5"-7" the forecasters predicted.  No kidding.  It is the "Dick the Bruiser" prediction:  Take the professional meteorologists number and divide by 2.  So, let's test it.  5/2=2.5 and 7/2=3.5.  Wow, even Dick the Bruiser would have been wrong, we only got 1.5"-1.75".  Oh well, Erica had less to shovel.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Blackie with a nice scarf

This is my cat, Blackie, with a nice scarf on. I made this for her.

Nope.  I did not post this either.  My dear husband and child number two posted it.  It was nice of them because they got me to change this entry (since it is supposed to be mine).  I guess like everything else, what mine is theirs.  Except when Blackie makes her daily gift to me....  

Thursday, January 8, 2009


This is my cat.
 This is day one to learn how to navigate in the blogishpere.  My kids chose this topic to begin with.  No, I do not worship this cat, she just happens to be our pet.  Yes, I like her, but sometimes, like when she throws up on a daily basis, I do not care for her during the clean up process.  However, by having her lead off this blog does say something for the position she has in our house.  Out of all the Blackie pics we captured, this seems to be the best?  That is the problem, there were TOO many pics of her.  

This is actually pretty fun.  Writing about nothing that can be viewed as something........Yes, this is fun.