Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Restructuring and Renovating

I have had these comfortable, shrunk in the wash yoga pants kicking around my craft center for well over two years.  I have moved them from shelf to box and back again.  They have been sat on in hopes I could hatch some sort of  stylish, wearable, and eye popping transformation for them to go through.  An ugly duckling into a swan saga, if you will.  I finally was given an idea through a wonderful site I follow.  It is called  This site is composed and created by a wonderfully talented, motivated, creative, inventive woman.  She shares ideas and links to projects and information she actually finds time not only to do while being a wife and mother, but writes about them and thus shares.  I transformed my pants from this treasured link  I am in constant awe and have much gratitude for this and many other creative, inventive sites I have been so fortunate to stumble upon.  I have stumbled upon many to date and I trust I will continue to find many more.

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